Active mineral specialized company

“Extension of life through cell regeneration”
It's not a dream, it's reality.


Active mineral specialized company

“Extension of life through cell regeneration”
It's not a dream, it's reality.

With ENA activated minerals
Start cell training.

Registered Mineral

About JBF

JBF’s ENA Minerals Verified in Academic Journal

Listed in the SCI-level International Journal
International academic journal
medical field (SCI level) registered

"The essential nutrients of my body"
What is ENA Active Mineral?

It's not an artificial mineral, it's a natural active mineral.

It provides a variety of balanced minerals that our bodies need.
It contributes to bone health, nerve and muscle function, antioxidant function, electrolyte balance, and blood health, and is important for maintaining fundamental functions.
Our natural active mineral, which was listed as cell regeneration and life extension in an international academic journal in 2014, is also applied to powerless cells in old age, and it can be seen that the regeneration rate is fast depending on concentration.


  • US FDA over-the-counter drug registration
  • Patent registration of ENA active mineral patent by the Korean Intellectual Property Office
  • Domestic patent registration
  • US patent registration
  • Japanese patent registration
  • Chinese Patent Registration
  • Mexican Patent Registration
  • Philippine patent registration
  • Listed in medical field of international academic journal
  • Listed for osteoporosis
  • Listed for liver function
  • Listed for Anti-aging
  • Listed for life extension cell regeneration

Patented invention


JBF Technology Advisor, CEO of Jinju Biofood
Former stem cell advisor at Kyungbuk National University

Molecular and

JBF Products

Fill it healthy with 100% minerals extracted from natural ingredients.

  • ENA Activated Mineral Premium
  • ENA Activated Mineral A


ENA Activated Mineral Premium

Highly concentrated mineral (calcium)

It is a new invention with a new concept and has been patented in the United
States / China / Korea / Japan / Philippines / Mexico.


ENA Activated Mineral A

Highly concentrated mineral (calcium)

It is a new invention with a new concept and has been patented in the United
States / China / Korea / Japan / Philippines / Mexico.